Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Blog Entry #4.15 - Process (E)

The background color, word game, and an extracted picture had been added to the back of my cereal box. More text and pictures need to be added to the back of my cereal box. I would give myself a 6 because i have been doing my work and have gotten a lot of things done. I can work faster to add more things to the back of my cereal box in order to improve my grade.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Blog Entry # 4.12 - Process (E)

iIhave the background for my cereal box front and i have extracted Igor Stravinski's picture. i still need to add the words on the cereal box front. I would give myself a 5 but i can improve that by working faster.

Blog Entry # 4.10 - Slogan (B)

The taste you can compose, puff energizers, breakfast for leaders, lawful cheerios, hufs puffs

The taste you can compose is the best because it is catchy.